Linkek a témában:
BrainGym és Sichida
This article highlights two brain development centers that are well established in their respective countries and have training centers worldwide. One of these brain development centers is from the West (USA) namely "Brainy Gym" and the other from the East (Japan), "Shichida Method".
Brain Gym® International is committed to the principle that moving with intention leads to optimal learning. Through our outstanding instructors and movement-based programs, we empower all ages to reclaim the joy of living.
Our technique and materials (DVDs, audio tapes, books and computer programs) help Infants and Toddlers with Language and Reading development.
The Smart Baby (letölthető tényképekkel)
The stimulation you provide your baby in the first 3 years has more impact than at any other time in your child's life.
Your baby's brain will reach 90% of its adult size by age 3.
Studies show that continued and consistent stimulation can boost your child's I.Q. by as much as 20 points.
Your baby can be born with a significant intellectual advantage with the BabyPlus Prenatal Education System.
A célja, hogy bemutassa Glenn Doman amerikai fizikoterapeuta és agykutató kisgyerekek fejlesztésében elért eredményeit, munkásságát, illetve segítséget nyújtson a módszert alkalmazó szülőknek.