Linkek a témában:
BBC (Angol mondókák, mesék, dalok)
New whiteboard-enabled games featuring signing to encourage early language development including those with SEN.
Starfall (angol) opened in September of 2002 as a free public service to teach children to read with phonics. Our systematic phonics approach, in conjunction with phonemic awareness practice, is perfect for preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, special education, homeschool, and English language development (ELD, ELL, ESL). Starfall is an educational alternative to other entertainment choices for children.
Kizclub (angol)
Learning resources for kids featuring free worksheets, coloring pages, activities, stories, and more!
LearnEnglish Kids has lots of free online games, songs, stories and activities for children to have fun and learn English too.
Dalok olaszul
Se mi avessero detto a fine aprile che l'8 maggio 2004 un bellissimo coro di 40 meravigliosi bambini avrebbe cantato in un teatro romano quattro mie canzoni ... non ci avrei mai creduto!
Andersen mesék angolul
Hans Christian Andersen
Fairy Tales and Stories
English Translation: H. P. Paull (1872)
Mesék, dalok mondókák (több nyelven)
Átlátható, felhasználóbarát oldal
Mondókák, dalok a világ minden tájáról
ABC sorrendben elérhető dalocskák
Dalok franciául 2
Some songs are still not done. The ones that are have a * by them.
On the right should be a link to "First fun with French" video, at Amazon
I think if you are interested in this site you might want to check it out.
Német gyerekdalok
Traditionelle Kinderlieder
Englische Kinderlieder
Angolhoz letölthető anyagok
Download vs. Play Online: If you are using a PC running MS-Windows and you are on a computer that you are allowed to download to, Download is clearly the best option. The program will have a much higher resolution, the speed and animations will be better, and the program is on your own PC to use whenever you wish. If you are on a school computer that does not allow downloads or your are using a Mac, the Play Online option is the best alternative for you. It will have a much lower resolution and the animations are somewhat distorted.
Mesék angolul
DLTK's Fairy Tales Activities
Little Red Riding Hood Section
The first time the story was collected into a book was in Charles Perrault's book published in 1695.
A célja, hogy bemutassa Glenn Doman amerikai fizikoterapeuta és agykutató kisgyerekek fejlesztésében elért eredményeit, munkásságát, illetve segítséget nyújtson a módszert alkalmazó szülőknek.